OPUS HR Support Services
OPUS has an established human resource operations methodology encompassing proven processes and tools, including the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) to handle all your daily human resources needs. HRMS is a suite of HR software solutions that is integrated, flexible and easy-to-use.
HRMS consists of administrator and employee self-service modules. Administrator modules serve as a main control point of all employees’ data, starting from creating a new employee record, updating his/her particulars and related information, processing payroll, to providing leave entitlement tracking and reporting. With employee self-service modules, employees can go online to apply for leave, claim, update their address, view payslip, etc.
For integrity of the data, all HR modules are seamlessly integrated and using a Support employees database across all modules. With the centralisation of data, information can be easily extracted and reported.
With a team of dedicated HR support personnel, we strive to bring affordable and dependable HR services to our clients.
Track record of OPUS HR Support Services
- Timely submission for CPF/SDL/FWL
- Timely payout of approved claims to staff
- Compliance with payslip content requirements
- Up to date implementation of HR information based on changes to the Employment Act, CPF and IRAS Taxation related matters
How does HR Support Services benefit you?
- Reduce costs yet increase quality and speed of delivery
- Efficient and Consistent HR services
- Higher degree of customer satisfaction
- Focus your manpower efforts on the core business activities
- Enhance your HR systems and processes